Rental Options

Daily, weekend, weekly and monthly rentals are available in our store. Please fill out the form below for further details.

How Our Store Works 

Each designer's product is presented in a curated store environment. Essentially it’s your own shop-in-shop. Think elegant, chic and shoppable. For monthly rentals, you do not need to be present on a day-to-day basis as our staff is present to assist customers with the sale of your product. 

Our store is open daily from 10:00am-6:00pm. Sundays by appointment and closed Mondays.

The Benefits of Being a Designer In Store 

  • Have your own location where customers can purchase your products anytime.
  • Have that location be one that you don't need to spend all day hanging out in, freeing up more time to do what you do best, while we handle the sale.
  • Have an awesome team of people showcasing your brand through social media and our website.
  • Have complete control over the pricing of your products, offer deals, promos and incentives when you want to. 

What We Are Looking For

At the Toronto Designers Market, our aim is to showcase and support Canadian designers and entrepreneurs committed to transforming their passions into thriving careers. We are seeing exclusive brands specializing in clothing, jewelry, fashion accessories, home décor, and beauty products. We're on the lookout for individuals who are truly dedicated—those who live and breathe their craft. Whether you craft custom furniture, design clothing, create jewelry, or develop your own line of beauty essentials, we're interested in those for whom this isn't just a pastime, but a true vocation. We want to ensure that investing our time and energy in promoting your work is worthwhile.

To apply as a designer in-store, please complete the form below. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to collaborate with you.

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